Surveyors Registration Board of Victoria

The Board's Role


The Board is established in Part 7 of the Surveying Act 2004 and reports to Government via the Minister for Planning.


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Section 45 of the Surveying Act 2004 sets out the functions of the Board. The functions of the Board are:

  • to advise the Minister on the administration, policies and strategic directions of cadastral surveying;
  • to register cadastral surveyors as licensed surveyors;
  • to keep a register of licensed surveyors;
  • to determine qualifications required for registration as licensed surveyors;
  • to approve courses of study which provide qualifications for registration as licensed surveyors;
  • to determine practical training required to establish competence for registration or renewal of registration as licensed surveyors;
  • to hold examinations to establish competence for registration as licensed surveyors;
  • to issue and publish guidelines about the educational, training and technical standards required for cadastral surveying;
  • to investigate the professional conduct or fitness to practise of licensed surveyors and impose sanctions where necessary;
  • to investigate and prosecute offences against this Act and any regulations made under this Act;
  • to appoint a person to investigate on behalf of the Board
    •  the professional conduct or fitness to practise of licensed surveyors;
    • offences against this Act and any regulations made under this Act;
  • to enter into and give effect to reciprocal arrangements, not inconsistent with this Act, with the cadastral surveying registration authority, by whatever name called, of another State, a Territory or another country for or with respect to: 
    • securing uniformity in the education, training and examination of persons in cadastral
    • granting exemptions from a course of study, practical training or examination required for registration as a licensed surveyor in Victoria to a person who satisfies the Board that the person has completed outside Victoria a course of study or practical training or has passed an examination of a similar standard to that
      required for registration in Victoria;
  • any other functions conferred on the Board by this or any other Act. 

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To ensure the community can rely on competent, professional cadastral surveyors and have confidence in Victoria's property boundary system.

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Mission Statement

To protect the integrity of Victoria's system of land boundaries by ensuring only competent cadastral surveyors are registered in Victoria and by monitoring the performance of cadastral surveyors.

  • oversee the evolution of a viable body of competent licensed surveyors able to meet community demands for accurate and efficient cadastral surveying services
  • advise Government and be recognised for providing efficient, quality services to industry, consumers and stakeholders
  • conduct fair and impartial investigations into the professional conduct of licensed surveyors
  • improve the profile of the profession and foster industry succession

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The Surveyors Registration Board of Victoria aims to provide best practice in:

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The Board provides the following services:

  • Annual registration for Victorian licensed surveyors.
  • Reciprocal registration for licensed surveyors under mutual recognition arrangements between States and Territories in Australasia.
  • Certificates of registration or extracts from the register.
  • Identity cards to be carried by licensed surveyors when entering private property.
  • Approval of courses of study that provide qualifications required for registration.
  • Approval of professional training agreements between licensed surveyors and graduates.
  • Examination of projects and surveys of graduate surveyors to establish competence for registration as licensed surveyors.
  • Guidelines about the educational, training and technical standards required for cadastral surveying.
  • Investigation of complaints about the professional conduct of licensed surveyors and imposes sanctions where necessary. 
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